Traveling through a Network

 Ping tracing and traceroute test are both network diagnostic tools. They are command line tools to used by IT professionals and regular users to verify that a computer has internet connection and can access a certain IP address or website. Ping is one of the most popular commands, mostly used as a troubleshooting tool. When we run a ping command for a certain website, data is sent through networks in forms of packets. If the packet of data reaches destination and makes it back then it will come successful with a round trip time, which is calculated in milliseconds. Once the ping test is completed it will provide the user a summary of the packets of data that were sent and received successfully with the turnaround time, and also provide how many packed of data was lost, if any. This command is great for determining if the website is accessible without the need of visiting the website from a browser, and it will provide the turnaround time for the packets of data traveling between our computer and the server we're trying to reach. 

Analyzing the ping commands that I ran on the different websites around the world, I came to the conclusion that the further the server geographically from my location, more time is needed for the packets of data to make it to the destination and back. 

Traceroute is another network troubleshooting command we use to determine the exact route from source to the destination. Traceroute is made of multiple ping commands. Each step along the route is called a hop, and each in each hop traceroute recognizes the IP address, and the latency of that hop; this way traceroute is a more advanced command than ping providing the user with the IP addresses of each hop. Traceroute shows the route from the source to the destination, but the reverse is not necessarily true. In order to identify the path from the destination to source, a traceroute command has to be ran from the destination. 

This is some of the values I got from running both commands on google. com, & : 
